Wines and Flavours of the Turin Area





Wines and Flavours of the Turin Area





Wines and Flavours of the Turin Area

The Regional Wineries of the Province of Torino and the Turin Royal Wine Route have created a virtuous synergy for the promotion and enhancement of the area that frames the City of Turin, once the source of excellent products for the pantry and cellar of the King.

Thus was born the Turin Royal Wine Route project to continue to be both the point of reference for producers and visitors of the area. We intend to showcase ever increasing examples of our excellence through our itineraries for an enogastronomical tourism experience, enriched by historic homes, castles and unique natural landscapes, with quality accommodations.

Regional Shop

of Province of Turin Wines

It aims to support the enological products in the Province of Turin through promotion, marketing and sale of the wines of member wineries

Turin Royal Wine


is a non-profit association established in 2008, which includes wine producers, private tourism and enogastronomic operators, public bodies, consortia, associations and collective organisations.

Contacts and Hours

Enoteca Hours:

April, May, June, July, August, September and December: Sundays from 3 to 7 p.m.
January, February, March, October and November: Tuesday from 9 to 12:30 p.m.


Tel. +39.011.9831041 – Cell. +39.346.5638206


Legal Headquarters
Metropolitan City of Turin
Corso Inghilterra 7 – 10138 Torino

Operative Headquarters
Metropolitan City of Turin Mountain and Rural Development Service and Valorisation of Traditional Products
Corso Inghilterra 7 – 10138 Torino

Giulia Chiarle


Alessandro Comotto


Elena Di Bella
Tel. 349.4163401


tutti loghi enostrada

FEASR: Fondo europeo agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale:
l’Europa investe nelle zone rurali Programma di Sviluppo Rurale 2014-2020 – Sottomisura 16.4