The Susa Valley is characterised by a verdant valley floor surrounded by imposing mountains (from Rocciamelone to the Ambin massif).
There are many important alpine passes from an historical and cultural perspective: the mains ones being Moncenisio and Monginevro. For this reason, with its strategic position in the centre of the valley, the City of Susa has always represented a political, cultural and spiritual point of reference throughout history.
Capital of the Cozii Kingdom, it then became Segusium, a name granted by the Romans. Ruins are widespread throughout the city such as the Arch of Augustus, the aqueduct and the arena. The medieval period saw the construction of various monuments, followed by the fortifications of the eighteenth century. The city is dominated by the castle of the Marchioness Adelaide of Savoy and in the historic centre; the Cathedral of San Giusto sits between the Medieval walls and the Roman forum.
Today, Susa continues to be a crossroads for Italy-France transalpine routes and its streets are full of charming hotels and tourist sites.
Valsusa Rosso
Valsusa Baratuciat
Valsusa Avanà
Valsusa Becuet
In 1997, the Valsusa Controlled Designation of Origin was established
In recognition of those who devoted their lives to vineyards, which rise up to the highest altitudes of the entire Alpine range, sometimes over one thousand meters (3,000 feet).

FEASR: Fondo europeo agricolo per lo sviluppo rurale:
l’Europa investe nelle zone rurali Programma di Sviluppo Rurale 2014-2020 – Sottomisura 16.4